
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Interview with Chris Brand about DipCon 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
The guys interview Chris Brand about the upcoming 2024 DipCon/Cascadia Open in Vancouver. Plus we talk upcoming tournaments and our online games.
- The guys open the show about Gavin's wife's recent interest in Ticket to Ride and talk about a number of other board games (0 mins 15 secs)
- They discuss their drinks and initial venue which they last visited in episode 2 (4 mins 20 secs)
- Ken's been brewing beer (6 mins 20 secs)
Interview with Chris Brand
- The guys start introducing their interview with Chris Brand, WDC winner and tournament organiser for this year's DipCon/Cascadia Open in Vancouver (10 mins 15 secs)
- Gavin asks about the tournament from 3rd to 4th February 2024 and how it'll be different being run as a DipCon (12 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about the scoring system and player's from different locations' playing style versus the West Coast style (15 mins 30 secs)
- They go onto discuss responsibilities in organising the tournament (20 mins 40 secs)
- Chris talks about the rounds and the impact of online players increasingly attending face to face tournaments (23 mins)
- Gavin asks about Chris' drink (26 mins)
- Ken asks about how did the idea of combining DipCon and Cascadia come about (27 mins 40 secs)
- He then asks about the logistics of getting to the tournament (30 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about the social aspect of the tournament (32 mins 15 secs)
- Gavin asks Chris about whether he'll attend WDC in Milan (34 mins)
- Ken asks about how to register and get advice on getting to the tournament (35 mins 40 secs)
- They start wrapping up the interview before moving onto discussing the interview (38 mins)
- Ken gets up to some maple syrup smuggling (47 mins 30 secs)
Diplomacy chat
- The guys discuss the two upcoming tournaments in Australia: the Melbourne Open hosted by Andrew Goff in the first weekend of March and the Hung Parliament Handicap in Canberra hosted by Jamal Blakkarly on 12-14 April (48 mins 30 secs)
- The guys give their take on Renaissance Italy (57 mins)
- They discuss having a tournament in Brisbane during August called the "Canetoad Classic" and get into the trophy (1 hr 1 min)
- The guys move onto a new venue, moving to Rothwells and discuss their mid-game drinks (1 hr 7 mins)
Around the grounds
- Gavin talks about the last episode where the guys agreed to play the new South of Sahara variant, but Ken then CD'ed and left the game (1 hr 14 mins)
- They move onto Gavin's Europa Renovatio game as Portugal (1 hr 18 mins)
- Ken flags he hasn't got around to any Big Stick Diplomacy variant updates. They then talk about a few games broadly (1 hr 26 mins)
- Ken talks about how to flag in a gunboat how to flag to get on with it and draw (1 hr 29 mins 30 secs)
- The guys start wrapping up the episode (1 hr 32 mins 45 secs)
Venue: The Gresham & Rothwell's, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Ken: Cooper's Sparkling Ale from South Australia and Wilder gluten free pale ale
Gavin: Capa Sigle Tempranillo from Castilla la Mancha in Spain and a 2018 Bordeaux
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or buy the guys a drink, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Catch up interview with Umbletheheap & a smidge of Christmas
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
After almost 4 years the guys bring back creator and publisher of the Diplomacy Briefing, Umbletheheap, to see where the weekly email newsletter is at and where it's going. Plus we award the end of year Best Player award between each other, the new South of Sahara variant and progress on the Big Stick Diplomacy variant.
- The guys open the show and discuss their drinks and initial venue which they last visited in episode 14. They discuss why Russia doesn't open Warsaw to Silesia more often. (0 mins 15 secs)
Interview with Umbletheheap
- The guys start introducing their interview with Umbletheheap, creator and publisher of the Diplomacy Briefing (6 mins 15 secs)
- Umble gives a quick overview about what the Diplomacy Briefing is and its initial beginning (8 mins)
- He discusses the increasing role of many other great people contributing to the Briefing (10 mins 15 secs)
- Gavin asks about the professionalisation of the newsletter (14 mins 10 secs)
- Umble discusses his role in Ministry as a pastor yet being someone who loves the game Diplomacy which has a certain reputation (17 mins 45 secs)
- They discuss the role of AI when assisting the Briefing (26 mins)
- Gavin gives a shout out for anyone listening to the show who wants to step up, give back to the community and be recognised for their work re-using podcast conten in other areas eg Youtube (31 mins)
- Umble shares two secrets, one on starting the Briefing and getting Captainmeme back into the game (32 mins)
- He discusses winding things back a bit, while still ensuring the Briefing will keep on going (39 mins)
- Umble discusses old Diplomacy zines and how in the past it impacted on relationships (44 mins)
- He finishes up by discussing their Diplomacy awards coming up (47 mins)
- The guys return - this time in a new venue - and discuss the interview (52 mins)
Diplomacy chat
- They discuss the new venue - an 80's rock bar called Alice - and their drinks (57 mins 30 secs)
- Some 80's pop culture banter (59 mins)
- Ken awards the trophy between the two of them on who is The Better vDip player, with Ken still beating Gavin (1 hr 0 mins 40 secs)
New variant - South of Sahara
- The guys discuss the latest new variant on vDip "South of Sahara", created by David E Cohen and brought to vDip by Enriador and Tobias Florin (1 hr 3 mins 30 secs)
- They discuss this new 5 player variant. Gavin shares a conversation with David about the variant and some of his new upcoming variants (1 hr 5 mins)
- Ken shares a story about transforming units in Known World 901 and they agree to playing a South of Sahara game together (1 hr 12 mins 30 secs)
- Due to the very dark lighting they decide to switch drinking venues (1 hr 15 mins)
Variant development update: Big Stick Diplomacy
- The guys have moved to Red Queen Gin and begin planning further their Big Stick Diplomacy variant (1 hr 15 mins 45 secs)
- Ken gives Gavin a geographic history lesson (1 hr 41 mins)
Henry Kissinger update
- The freaky Henry Kissinger moment (1 hr 47 mins)
Bronze Age Diplomacy play testing
- Gavin bought into this variant being play tested. You can view the game at vDiplomacy with the opening positions viewed on the variant page (1 hr 54 mins 30 secs)
- He goes on to discuss what he felt coming towards the end game and why as a variant creator he felt the need to stab his long term ally (1 hr 57 mins 15 secs)
- The guys start wrappin up the show, but have a mea culpa for our Patreon supporters. Gavin's slightly misplaced the recording from last episode and is looking for it. It'll come out soon (2 hrs 7 mins)
Venue: Embassy Hotel, Alice and Red Queen Gin, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Ken: Black Haze stout infused with egg nog, Sundance Surprise, Ritual and Ceremonies
Gavin: Black Hops Goat hazy IPA, Buffalo Trace on the rocks, barrel aged Negroni
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or buy the guys a drink, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Kissinger & Diplomacy + Interview with Sascha Heylmann
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
The guys interview Sascha Heylmann who they met and played at WDC. Plus we address the myth of Diplomacy being the favorite game of Henry Kissinger... unfortunately surprisingly timely.
- The guys open the show and discuss the venue and their drinks before they introduce their interview with Sascha Heylmann, one of the behind the scenes organisers at WDC in Bangkok (0 mins 15 secs
Interview with Sascha Heylmann
- The interview with Sascha begins (2 mins 45 secs)
- How Sascha got into Diplomacy: both in Europe and in Bangkok. He discusses recent organising of games in Bangkok (4 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about the challenge of getting local players instead of ex-pats and more women involved into the game (9 mins)
- The guys talk about the challenge of playing a pre-dominantly a game communicating in English vs Thai, culture in the ex-pat and Thai communities and improving diversity in the game (15 mins)
- Sascha talks about upcoming steps in Diplomacy coming up for Bangkok and more broadly for southeast Asia (26 mins 45 secs)
- Ken asks about Sascha's takeaway thoughts on what went well and what could've been done differently for future tournaments (31 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about long term thinking for a tournament circuit concept. Sascha reflects on this in the southeast Asian context with the idea of it being somewhere like Denang in Vietnam in August 2024 (36 mins 30 secs)
- If you want to find out more and join Sascha's Whatsapp group for the New Years or Southeast Asian championship, use our contact us link and we'll hook you up! Or private message Vaultboy on vDiplomacy (45 mins 30 secs)
- The guys wrap up the interview (52 mins)
- The guys return and give their thoughts on the interview (52 mins 50 secs)
- Ken and Gavin move bars to the Press Club (54 mins 50 secs)
Diplomacy news and chat
- Brother Bored’s Diplomacy Dojo podcast is back after a bit of a hiatus (56 mins)
- They discuss PlayDip recently being hacked and give their thoughts about the massive amount of gambling advertising on the site (58 mins)
- Ken announces that we’re going to be part of trying to get a face to face scene happening on the Gold Coast (about an hour south of Brisbane) (1 hr 2 mins)
- Gavin announces a small development in the urban legend about Diplomacy being the favourite game of Henry Kissinger. Note: this was recorded prior to the announcement of Henry Kissinger’s death (1 hr 6 mins 30 secs)
- The guys turn to their new proposed variant across multiple theaters of war at the end of the 19th Century and have an update for listeners (1 hr 20 mins 15 secs)
- Gavin resets expectations on a Christmas extravaganza for the next episode (1 hr 37 mins)
- He goes onto discuss a suggested title for this variant (1 hr 39 mins 15 secs)
- They talk about a name for the variant and coalesce on "Big Stick Diplomacy" (1 hr 47 mins 30 secs)
- The guys begin wrapping up the episode (1 hr 49 mins)
Venue: Press Club, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Ken: Valley Hops hazy IPA
Gavin: The house cabernet sauvignon.
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or buy the guys a drink, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Interview with Bradley Grace
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
The guys interview Bradley Grace about his love of Diplomacy. Plus they discuss a great new variant devised on a mini bus in rural Thailand and their online games.
- The guys introduce themselves, the bar and their drinks for the evening (0 mins 10 secs)
- They discuss what life's like now back in Australia, instead of their super chill selves in Thailand. Ken talks about some of the places he visited in Thailand after Kanchanaburi (4 mins 30 secs)
Interview with Bradley Grace
- They start introducting the interview for today's episode with Bradley Grace. Gavin flags they had tech issues recording the interview, so apologies there's a small break and then another 30 mins of the interview didn't record for some reason (8 mins 45 secs)
- Ken begins the interview and asks Bradley about how did he come to WDC. Bradley also discusses how he first got into Diplomacy (11 mins 30 secs)
- For some reason Zoom crapped itself so soon in the interview, but then we come back (14 mins 15 secs)
- Bradley talks about his virtual Diplomacy championship top board experience and his stories on gameplay (16 mins 45 secs)
- He talks about his main lesson: be 10% less aggressive (21 mins 30 secs)
- Bradley and Ken talk about their discussions from watching the WDC shadow top board. They discuss Diplomacy as a spectator sport (23 mins 30 secs)
- Bradley talks about the repechage round which determined whether he or Edi Birsan made the top board. He then gives his views on how he would've done on the top board as Germany (26 mins)
- He asks Gavin why he built an army as Turkey in winter 1901 rather than a fleet (29 mins)
- Ken asks if Bradley had a favorite game he played at WDC (30 mins)
- As flagged the 2nd part of the interview wasn't recorded (sorry - you just missed half an hour of gold). Gavin flags our next Patreon episode has a great WDC discussion recorded involving Chris Brand, Jamal and Bradley (37 mins)
A great new variant?
- On the way back from Erawan Falls in Thailand on a mini bus, Gavin and Ken came up with the idea for a fantastic new variant, an alternate history variant set during the Spanish-American War, where a broader war occurs including Britain, France, Holland and Portugal. The variant involves conflict across 4 diffent theaters of war and different power dynamics across the quadrants to create balance across the board (43 mins 15 secs)
Around the grounds
- Ken discusses a couple of the few games he's in at the moment (1 hr 4 mins)
- Gavin talks about two games he drew in - an Ancient Mediterranean game and an Imperial game (1 hr 6 mins)
- He then discusses an American Conflict game he was eliminated in (1 hr 12 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about trying to get a face to face game happening locally. Ken discusses the new 6 player Greek city states map he purchased at WDC (1 hr 13 mins 30 secs)
- They begin wrapping up the show (1 hr 15 mins)
Venue: Antico, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Ken: Stone & Wood pale ale
Gavin: A glass of Italian montepulciano (missed the name of the vineyard when ordering)
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or buy the guys a drink, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Sunday Aug 27, 2023

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Face to Face with Reily Chapman
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
With the guys about to head off to WDC in Bangkok, they play a face to face game & discuss their learnings to apply. Plus updates on their podcast listener game and new variants in development at vDip.
- The guys introduce their drinks and tonight’s initial venue (0 mins 10 secs)
- They talk a little around their plans for Bangkok's WDC before a bit of an intro on their recent face to face game in Brisbane (3 mins)
Chat with Reily Chapman on their face to face game in Brisbane
- The guys set up the context of their chat with Reily (previously on the show as Macca) about their recent face to face game in Brisbane (5 mins)
- The discussion starts as Kaner and Amby get into the Guiness (6 mins)
- Reily talks about his board topping game as Austria, and Amby’s poorly executed game as Italy (8 mins)
- Kaner discusses his game as Russia (12 mins)
- Amby’s psychological warfare against France (15 mins 20 secs)
- They discuss gameplay (19 mins)
- Kaner and Reily with different recollections of the same thing (22 mins 30 secs)
- Amby’s stab (24 mins 30 secs)
- Turkey starts threatening Turkey (27 mins)
- Amby discusses his misorder and how it all unraveled (31 mins)
- They discuss their top learnings from this game and the end game (38 mins)
- They start wrapping things up with some final thoughts to help for WDC (52 mins)
- Kaner & Amby return and give their thoughts on the discussion with Reily before moving onto a strategy talk (54 mins 30 secs)
Diplomacy talk
- They talk about timings for next episodes following the guys going to Thailand (1 hr 2 mins)
- The guys have moved from their starter bar (Prince Consort) to the Gatsby Lounge in Fortitude Valley and their new drinks (1 hr 4 mins)
Around the grounds
- They kick off their current games discussions with their podcast listener game based on Nine Dash Line (1 hr 6 mins 30 mins)
- They discuss a proposed new variant at vDip set in New Zealand amongst Maori tribes by Porter Zach (1 hr 18 mins)
- They review some of the other new maps in development (1 hr 23 mins 30 secs)
- They move onto a couple of Amby’s game including an American Conflict game and an Imperial Diplomacy game where he’s Britain (1 hr 30 mins)
- Amby gets block sizes mixed up before they discuss getting some variant maps printed for games without 7 players (1 hr 41 mins)
- The guys wrap up the show (1 hr 45 mins)
Venue: Prince Consort, Finn McCools & the Gatsby Lounge, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Kaner: Balter XPA, Guiness and 150 Lashes pale ale
Amby: Torbruk Woodcutter's shiraz, Guiness and St Hallet’s Faith shiraz
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or get the guys more drunk, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Interview about WDC Bangkok 2023 with Andrew Goff and Lei Saarlainen
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
With just a month until the first World Diplomacy Championship in Asia we catchup with organisers Andrew Goff and Lei Saarlainen about WDC Bangkok 2023, plus lots more.
The guys introduce their drinks and tonight’s venue (0 mins 10 secs)
- They discuss why Italy doesn’t open more often to the west and some crazy openings (5 mins 35 secs)
Interview about WDC Bangkok with Andrew Goff and Lei Saarlainen
- They introduce the interview today with Lei Saarlainen and Andrew Goff about WDC 2023 in Bangkok (14 mins)
- We discuss what’s planned (16 mins 40 sec)
- They discuss how language is approached at the tournament (20 mins)
- Andrew and Lei discusses what makes this WDC different to previous tournaments (25 mins 10 secs)
- Kaner asks about what Bangkok is like for visitors flying in and what to do. Andrew gives some tricks to remember for visitors (29 mins 45 secs)
- Lei also mentions there is a side tournament being held a week later in Siem Reap in Cambodia including visits to the Angkor Wat temple complex. Andrew also gives context for scheduling during the tournament and a WhatsApp group (33 mins 50 secs)
- They discuss time limit plans for the games (38 mins 20 secs)
- Kaner asks about the tournament scoring system (41 mins 20 secs)
- Amby goes onto discuss which official version of the rules will be used - the new board or rules played for many years (44 mins 10 secs)
- Amby asks about the cultural style of the tournament gameplay (48 mins 20 secs)
- He goes onto ask about the local climate and how should people be packing (52 mins 30 secs)
- They discuss some of the challenges maintaining momentum for the tournament during the pandemic (56 mins)
- They begin wrapping up the interview (1 hr 1 min)
- They goes give their thoughts on the interview (1 hr 2 mins 30 secs)
- Amby incorrectly says the Siem Reap tournament will be in a temple - he misheard Lei - ignore this bit folks! (1 hr 7 mins)
Diplomacy chat
- Kaner asks about getting a face to face game in Brisbane (1 hr 13 mins)
- Amby discusses the Curious Western Triple (1 hr 14 mins)
- The guys talk houses and the Kaner & Amby Gardening Show (1 hr 28 mins)
Around the grounds
- The guys discuss their Nine Dash Line game (https://www.vdiplomacy.com/board.php?gameID=55953) which they’re playing with podcast listeners (1 hr 33 mins 40 secs)
- vDip has new variants again thanks to tobi1 and Enriador. Kaner talks about his anonymous East Indies game where he’s getting screwed over (https://www.vdiplomacy.com/board.php?gameID=55953) (1 hr 41 mins 50 secs)
- Amby touches on some of his games. First up is an email only game run by David E Cohen for the Mandate of Heaven variant. He discusses his interesting gameplay strategy - big shout out to his ally Rob (1 hr 46 mins 20 secs)
- Amby talks about his American Conflict game - a Civil War variant with the European powers joining in at the same time (https://www.vdiplomacy.com/board.php?gameID=56035#gamePanel) (1 hr 51 mins 15 secs)
- Next is his Imperial game as Britain (https://www.vdiplomacy.com/board.php?gameID=55996) (1 hr 54 mins 30 secs)
- The guys wrap up the show (2 hrs 2 mins 30 secs)
Venue: Babylon, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Kaner: 150 Lashes pale ale
Amby: Kaesler shiraz from the Barossa Valley
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or get the guys more drunk, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Even longer between drinks
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Kaner & Amby catch up to discuss the upcoming new official board game rules, their game with podcast listeners and much more.
The guys introduce their drinks and tonight’s venue (0 mins 5 secs)
New board game rules & face to face
- They talk about the proposed board updates and rule changes from Renegade, the new publisher (7 mins)
- Amby discusses the beer taps before they move onto the last 2 rule changes (25 mins 40 secs)
- They discuss whether any of the upcoming tournaments from August on, including WDC, will be playing against the rules (33 mins)
- The guys talk about their plans for WDC in Bangkok (43 mins 40 secs)
- Amby discusses timing for their next face to face game in Brisbane (45 mins 10 secs)
Around the grounds
- Kaner and Amby in the last episode talked about playing the Nine Dash variant with podcast listeners. This has now happened and can be found at vDip. The guys give a shout out to all listeners/players in the game (47 mins 20 secs)
- They talk about the interesting aspects of this variant’s board before they talk about how the game is going for them and other players (49 mins 30 secs)
- Amby talks about the Aberration V anonymous game he’s in and then discusses his World War IV game (1 hr 3 mins 30 secs)
- The guys start wrapping up (1 hr 8 mins 40 secs)
Venue: Miss Demeanor, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Kaner: Black Hops pale ale
Amby: Tscharke’s Shiraz, Shiraz, Shiraz from the Barossa Valley
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or get the guys more drunk, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Long time between drinks
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Lots of stuff been happening in the guys' lives, so they catch up to discuss the game.
The guys give some context for the delay in podcast episodes (0 mins 10 secs)
- Kaner gives Amby his belated Christmas gift (1 mins 50 secs)
- They discuss their face to face game in January, their first game since Covid. They discuss having another game in mid-April (5 mins 20 secs)
- The guys move onto discussing ChatGPT and using it for a Diplomacy game. Kaner discusses the jail breaked version (10 mins 30 secs)
- They realise they'd forgette to introduce the bar and their drinks (13 mins 45 secs)
- Amby talks some more about ChatGPT and what it knows about our podcast (16 mins)
- Amby asks Kaner about circular movements in Diplomacy. Kaner uses as an example a Classic Britain game. They go onto discuss the dynamics of how England got off Great Britain (25 mins 30 secs)
- They discuss the two new variants at vDip: Cold War Redux (a 4 player version) and Nine-Dash Line. They discuss creating a password protected game for our listeners and give away the password when you listen (35 mins)
- Kaner discusses a northern California variant map, a New York City variant and David E Cohen's South of the Sahara variant (48 mins)
- In discussing the Russian civil war, Amby discusses the Czechoslovak legion creating havoc in central Russia (54 mins)
- The guys move to a new bar Black Hops session ale and Lato Wild West red blend. Kaner talks chilli vodka (56 mins)
- Kaner discusses his Mistletoe Grinding Shoepolish Mudcake game (1 hr 1 min)
- Kaner's games he stole from Amby and bottom feeders (1 hr 6 mins 30 secs)
- Why they can't play Bot games at the moment against each other (1 hr 14 mins)
- Amby talks a little about his games (1 hr 16 mins 40 secs)
- Amby goes back to the January face to face Brisbane game and how he did not lie to players (channeling his inner Cicero) (1 hr 18 mins 50 secs)
- The guys wrap the show up (1 hr 20 mins)
Venue: Criterion Hotel and Before + After, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Kaner: Great Northern lager and Black Hops session ale
Amby: Balter XPA, Pepperjack Shiraz from the Barossa Valley and Lato Wild West red blend
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or get the guys more drunk, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.

Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Interview with Noam Brown from Meta
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
The guys interview Noam Brown from Meta about all the things you don't know about Cicero. Plus a good old Diplomacy chat.
- The guys introduce the show and venue. Amby explains his screw up pre-recording (0 mins 10 secs)
- Amby asks for listener's feedback on the Christmas show and they discuss their drinks (6 mins)
Interview with Noam Brown from Meta
- The guys start introducing today's interview with Noam Brown from Meta about the work they've done teaching their artificial intelligence (AI) agent Cicero into playing a very strong communicative game of Diplomacy (10 mins 30 secs)
- Amby mentions where you can learn more in other videos about Cicero: DBN, Meta's own videos and CaptainMeme's Diplostrats first and second videos (12 mins 30 secs)
- The guys begin the interview with Noam and discuss his early days experience with the game (14 mins)
- They discuss why Diplomacy was chosen to explore with AI (17 mins)
- Noam talks a little more about his pitch as a Meta employee and what benefits he put forward to the organisation (20 mins 40 secs)
- They discuss awareness of Diplomacy among team members (23 mins 55 secs)
- Noam talks about prior AI research and how it related to the research project (25 mins 30 secs)
- Kaner asks about what type of computing power is needed to run Cicero. Amby asks whether people could play against Cicero (28 mins)
- Kaner asks whether Cicero learns from games it plays and asks about Novel techniques used with Cicero (31 mins 45 secs)
- Amby asks what happens when humans play randomly against the bot and how it interrupts that (46 mins)
- Amby asks about when in the research process did the project team identify not lying works better (47 mins 30 secs)
- Amby goes onto query if someone could take off the "training wheels" to make Cicero lie (55 mins)
- They discuss why Cicero puts an emphasis on some locations on the board that some players ignore. He goes onto asking about Cicero's understanding of stalemate lines and other learnings from Cicero (56 mins)
- They go onto discussing the conversation style of Cicero and how players interact with it (1 hr 1 min)
- Amby asks about how Cicero responds to the reactions of human players. They discuss what Cicero would do if everyone wanted to be its ally (1 hr 3 mins 30 secs)
- They discuss why the named Cicero was chosen (1 hr 6 mins)
- Amby asks about the peer review process of publishing the paper to Science.org and Noam's thoughts on the media's reporting of the story (1 hr 7 mins)
- Amby asks about whether there are any plans to have Cicero publicly play in a leading tournament (1 hr 10 mins 50 secs)
- He asks if there's anything Noam would approach differently if he was starting the project now (1 hr 12 mins 20 secs)
- To find out more Noam encourages people to visit Meta's page on the project and again, CaptainMeme's video (1 hr 15 mins)
- The guys return and give their thoughts on the interview, plus Kaner's awesome question he didn't ask (1 hr 17 mins 30 secs)
- They talk about the idea of how Cicero could play and win the World Diplomacy Championship (1 hr 20 mins)
- Kaner discusses playing the meta game, how Cicero needed to learn to play differently against humans and playing the game with "the truth" (1 hr 24 mins)
Diplomacy Chat
- Amby wants to explore the idea of playing a face to face game by being as open and honest as possible (1 hr 28 mins)
- The guys move to Newstead Social and order some new drinks and how they compare in a mid game. Kaner describes a wine he's recently had (1 hr 32 mins)
- Amby talks again about getting a face to face game on - spoiler alert... it actually happened! (1 hr 41 mins)
- The guys talk more about their plans when attending WDC 2023. Find out more at the WDC Bangkok website (1 hr 45 mins 30 secs)
- The guys start wrapping up the show (1 hr 55 mins)
Venue: Green Beacon Brewery and Newstead Social, Brisbane
Drinks of choice:
Kaner: Apple cider by Green Beacon Brewery and Your Mum's Fav lager by Young Henry's
Amby: Windjammer IPA by Green Beacon Brewery and West Cape Howe tempranillo from Margaret River in Western Australia
Just a reminder you can support the show by giving it 5 stars on iTunes or Stitcher. And don't forget if you want to help pay off the audio equipment... or get the guys more drunk, you can also donate at Patreon, plus you get extra podcast episodes!
*** Remember if you know something about how WordPress works and can help the guys, get in touch!!! ***
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe so you get the latest Diplomacy Games episodes straight to your phone.
Thanks as always to Dr Dan aka "The General" for his rockin' intro tune.